Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Tuesday, 24 December, 2013 - Passau, Germany

We had an earlyish start this morning - not necessarily by design but because we were expected to be all present and correct and ready to start a walking tour at 9am. We'd had a bit of a late night last night as we'd been invited to a fine dining evening where we had pre-arranged seating at a table with a very interesting couple from Florida. The dinner was five courses so quite late by the time we'd finished, then rather stupidly we sat up and watched an old black and white version of "A Christmas Carol".
Anyway, after a quick breakfast we just made it to our group armed with individual headset things which enable you to wander off or lag behind and still hear
St Paul's in the process of being dressed up for the children's service 
Christmas carols at every street corner - and they were very good!

Our current home
the guide's commentary.
Although we opted for the strong walker's group (as opposed to gentle walking) it was still very much an amble as there is not heaps to see in Passau and we had two hours to fill in. We visited the cathedral again, and a quite magnificent parish church, St Paul's, and were given a demonstration of gingerbread making and wreath-making (the excitement was too much). Interesting tasting gingerbread, though.
By the time we got back for lunch we were frozen and definitely over the idea of going out tonight at 10 for midnight mass in a vast and unheated Cathedral.
Instead, we decided that a good alternative would be the "kindermassen" (children's service) at four at St Paul's.
Our friends from Florida had come to the same conclusion so we set out about three to walk up to the church and as the others said afterwards "aren't we glad we did that!"
It was really quite lovely, a mix of church service and nativity play with lots of carols and beautiful music and singing from all the children, albeit all in German. (So impressed by how such small children speak the language so well!). But, we understood most of it and, as dad said, it helped knowing the story.
The church was stunningly decorated with Christmas trees, twinkle lights etc (dad wouldn't let me take the tablet so can't post any pics of it all lit up) and at the end all the lights were dimmed and candles lit for Silent Night/Stille Nacht sung in a variety of languages depending on the nationality of the singer. A bit of a mish mash, but still quite a spectacle.
Arrived back in time for the briefing on tomorrow's excursion which starts at 8am and decided to give the captain's cocktail party a miss. The gala dinner will be quite enough.
Frohlische Weinachten!

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