Friday, 20 December 2013

Friday, 20th December , 2013 - Hohenschwangau, Germany

Well, we have finally ascertained for certain that "blondness" is an inherited condition. So anyone in the family who has been described as "blond" can rightly claim it is not their fault!
Today we had tickets to visit Neuschwanstein Castle. You buy them the day before and are given a tour number and time and have to be in the forecourt of the castle when your number comes up or you miss out.
The get to the castle you either walk ( a good 40 minute uphill slog) or go by horse and carriage. We opted for the latter and were sent out to join the queue, which was non-existent at the relatively early hour of the morning.
Once the carriage had its full complement of passengers and was ready to go, the two horses stomped around making a house rather like an engine turning over, so I commented, as I do on a train or bus " oh good the engine's starting, we should be off soon."
It wasn't till about 10 minutes later when we passed another horse drawn carriage coming down the hill that Geoff said "you know I don't think they do have engines - it's just the horses!"
The few other English speaking people in the carriage also enjoyed the joke.
Once at the end of the ride it was a further 15 minute walk uphill filled by seemingly hundreds of stairs since inside - all those towers and turrets. Interesting though quite dark and gloomy inside - probably the result of King Ludwig's obsession with Wagner.
We walked down, luckily avoiding the intermittent showers and although we had considered visiting the other castle this afternoon decided that one castle a day was more than enough and besides we have a lovely view of the other one from our nice warm room.
Supposed to be a picture of the village Christmas tree

                                      Geoffrey and the two horsepower carriage
Colour coordinated and warm ( I was made to post this picture)

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