Sunday, 22 December 2013

Sunday 22 December 2013 - Munich, Germany

Another day with not much to report. Today was always going to be a bit of a nothing day anyway - just a day to regroup, as it were, before the next leg of our journey starts tomorrow.
Extreme heat woke us early. Nothing like everyone in Australia is suffering, obviously but I think the doonas here must be super strength as we turn off all heating and open as many windows as we can at night but it's still hot.
Anyway, it's far more bearable than a Sydney heatwave which actually made the news over here, so is obviously super horrendous.
Felt bad (only a bit) not going to church. The bells are frequent and long lasting - obviously calling the faithful to worship,  not unpleasant actually and I do like the ones in the villages that ring every quarter hour so you always know what time it is.
The hotel breakfast was surprisingly formal - no help yourself buffet style here. Everything you could want (or maybe not) in the way of smoked salmon, cheeses and meats was brought to the table on a Victorian style three-tiered cake stand, along with baskets of breads and pastries, butters, jams, juices etc and tea in delicate bone china teapots.
After breakfast we made use of our sunny little conservatory (four storeys up) and read for a couple of hours before venturing out.
I had looked at the Google maps in some detail and found we could halve the distance we walked yesterday to get to Marienplatz, the centre of the old town and the only place where anything was likely to be open on a Sunday.
Just out of interest - and, no, we didn't stop for a drink - we wandered into and through a couple of traditional Bavarian pubs that were filled to overflowing (the Hofbrauhaus, for example, can accommodate up to 4000 beer-swilling patrons) and had live oom-pah-pah bands. Came to the conclusion that Munich's entire male population must desert its families and go to the pub on a Sunday.
After lunch we retreated to our reading room again.
Today's major activity!

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