Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Wednesday 1st October, 2014 - Hilo, Hawaii

Today we are in Hilo on Hawaii, the big island. We are actually docked alongside the longest breakwater wall I have ever seen. Fascinating watching it as we came in.
Not having to get tenders to shore is always good and we wandered downstairs around 9.30 and made it onto the dock as the Celebrity Solstice arrived dwarfing our little ship.
We hadn't booked any tours but found quite close by a little "Hoppa Onna Hoppa Offa" bus that promised to show us all we wanted to see over the course of about an hour and a half.
It proved a good choice and we enjoyed a leisurely tour of the town (why did thoughts of Ashburton and Timaru come to mind???), gardens, beaches markets and waterfalls all accompanied by a solidly upbeat description and potted history.
This being one of the wettest cities in America we were lucky to have a fine and sunny day.
We are starting to get to know some of the other passengers around us (not to talk to - but to talk about). There is the mother and daughter in the cabin beside us, for example. Geoffrey refers to the daughter as the cockatoo because she has a habit of squawking, loudly, at length, about a load of rubbish. Then there is the middle European woman who has a stuffed animal green frog she takes pictures of in front of all kinds of tourist attractions. We have our own theories about that.
Today is our last in Hawaii. We leave in an hour or so then comes the bit we are not particularly looking forward to - five days at sea an route to Bora Bora. We may miss a day or so of posts if there is nothing to write about.
                                                              Hilo, Hawaii

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